Saturday, April 23, 2011

Back On My Game

I am officially back on my game as of yesterday. I'm back on the Wii fit and treadmill. I can not push myself too hard due to the fact my ankle and knee are still a little messed up. But i did 35mins today on the Wii and treadmill. I'm waiting a few more days to start back up my Zumba I don't want to risk re injuring my ankle or knee and losing more time at work and losing more exercising time. I am sad to report that while i was laid up for 4days i did gain 5lbs back. I was so depressed, but I am bound and determined to lose it and still make my goal. According to my weigh in today I have lost 3 of the five lbs that i gained while being laid up. And I am hoping to continue this streak and be back fully on track next week. Wish me luck. I've got a week and a half to reach my goal and 5.2lbs left to lose before I make my goal. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

thatredhead said...

Love you girl!!! You are doing great! we need to get together next week!