Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's Been Too Long

So I know its been like forever since I wrote on here but things have been rough. About a month ago my boyfriend of 3yrs and I broke up. He has anger issues and I have well a lot of issues. Since then we have gotten back together and are very happy now (most of the time). I can't say I have been completely on track with the whole diet thing but I have still been doing really good with my weight loss. Grant it I think part of it has to do with being under a ton of stress. I am still going to therapy. I've been doing a lot better finally got in to see a psychiatrist and I think after two tries we have my medication on the right track and I am actually really happy. I don't feel like sleeping all day, I don't completely hate going to work, and it takes a little more to send me off the handle. I am no where near where I want to or need to be but I feel I am definitely heading in the right direction. I finally have true diagnoses about what is wrong with me, I do have bi-polar 2, which is the high end on the bi-polar scale, I also have Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD, and I also suffer from PTSD. If anyone reading this knows about any of these disorders you will understand me a little better. I went through another very dark time last Thursday but with my therapy and my new medication I had enough sense to know if I would have stayed home alone while Brandon went to work I would have done something very stupid. I will always have "dark" times in my life but I feel like if I keep doing what I am doing the energy will keep coming and so will the self esteem. Life may not be perfect but it's pretty good right now. I will update and keep things going the way they are. Your thoughts, kind words and prayers are always appreciated. 

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